Monday, May 19, 2008

Big Changes Coming Our Way

Sofia has several loose teeth and the first is ready to go in the next several days, really just as soon as she gives it a good tug (I have no interest in doing it for her). I have been thinking about the big changes coming for her. Big girl teeth for one. I can't imagine how she is going to change in the next few months, with those big honkin' teeth coming in. No more baby face. First grade for another. I am so happy we kept her at her school for the three year program, the way it was intended. It seems like such a logical time for her to move on to the next phase. She is so clearly not a preschooler anymore. It's all very exciting and a bit bittersweet. I never knew that I'd feel sad about losing teeth.

Oh, and I finished up the tooth fairy fairy this weekend. She is made from wool felt, cotton embroidery floss and wool stuffing. She has a little pocket to hold the tooth for the tooth fairy and just enough space for a Sacagawea dollar. I modified the pattern for these tooth fairy bears to get the basic shape and made up the rest.

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