But I am truly disappointed with the results on Proposition 8. I feel it is a step backwards and I have not heard one compelling argument in favor of it. It almost always boils down to a religious belief and last time I checked, we live in a democracy not a theocracy. And no, I don't buy the biology argument either. Marriage is not always about procreation. If it were, then we'd have to stop letting post menopausal women get married. I saw a post on flickr that said, "if we were going to "restore traditional marriage" we should reinstate things like dowries, prohibit divorce, and stone people who have babies out of wedlock. You know, just to be thorough." Seriously though, Sofia was in tears one night because someone at school had told her about Prop. 8. She was so distraught that someone might be able to tell her she couldn't get married. Now, why she worries about these things at age 6, I don't know, and she really didn't understand that it had to do with a man and a man or a woman and a woman, but it really struck a note with me.
For now, we are going to continue to try to raise our children to accept people for who they are, and hope that when they are old enough to understand what Proposition 8 actually did, they will reject such inequality. And another thing, I have a message to the woman who pulled up in front of my house and let two very young boys out of her car to tear down and deface my and my neighbors' yard signs for Barack Obama and No on 8. I hope your children will learn to value and defend free speech, to accept people different from themselves, and to respect other people's property, from someone, because they clearly aren't learning it from you.
And since I wouldn't want to leave on a sour note, here's picture of Sofia reading one of her new birthday books to Maia. It is truly a joy to see her reading to her sister. One of the best things in life.
Now, I think we've got some work to do.
Well, said. We thought we might have to move to Australia (we have family there). I'm happy and proud to be here, right now, though.
It is sad about Prop8. We had prop 102 in AZ pass. Same thing and so sad and wrong. You can be anything you want in America, except...
Haha my husband and I always say we are moving to Vancouver (although not sure they would actually want us) but I guess we are staying for now. I feel disappointment and a little disgust re: Prop 8. I just hope that someday we will live in a state that is more accepting.
Very well said. We have had alot of political talk at our dinner table latley. I am a pretty conservative Republican but I venamently belive that all couples, no matter when sex, should have the right to get married. We were talking about the Prop 8 last night and I can say I was saddened about what happened in California. I hope equal rights for all happens soon.
Shame on those people who defaced your posters. That is plain crap.
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